Released Time Bible Education: Off school premises, in real time.

ABSTRACT: “The thesis is entitled An Investigation of Some Aspects and Implications of Released-Time for Religious Education. By way or orientation, "released-time" is the designation assigned to a period of religious education that falls within the hours of a recognised public-school day. The pupils who desire to participate are excused for part of the school day to go to a nearby church for religious instruction, Released-time is designed to bridge the gap between the limitations of the public school in teaching religious belief, and the inadequacies of traditional church agencies in meeting the spiritual needs of children.”

James W. Zottnick, An investigation of some aspects and implications of released-time for religious education. Diss. Montana State University-Bozeman, College of Education, Health & Human Development (1960).             

An investigation of some aspects and implications of released-time for religious education (