Released Time Bible Education: Off school premises, in real time.


“This dissertation is a qualitative case study of the Newton, Kansas Public School’s program of religious released time education named Weekday Bible School (WBS). The research question is as follows:

Does WBS fulfill the principles of a character education program as defined by The Character Education Partnership?

The history of character education is presented with a review of the basic philosophy of American education since Colonial times, the history of church and school interaction, and the application of the First Amendment to public education. The original versions of the character education programs of Values Clarification, Moral Development Theory, and the Fourth and Fifth R’s are described.

With the data collected in interviews, observations, and from public documents, WBS is described and evaluated as possibly fulfilling the principles of a character education program as set forth by the Character Education Partnership. The WBS program of religious released time education in Newton, Kansas measures up to portions of eight of the Eleven Principles of The Character Education Partnership.”

Rhonda Joann Lamar, Newton, Kansas: A case study in religious released time education. Diss. University of Kansas (2005).